As you begin what will hopefully be another successful school year, the Education and International Engagement teams at the National Constitution Center hope that you and your students will follow the progression of our fascinating new project, Being We the People: Afghanistan, America and the Minority Imprint.
We introduced you to the participants and now we invite you and your students to view their work, read their insights on the project and post your own comments, either here or at beingwethepeople.shutterfly.com
This project will provide numerous opportunities to engage your students in current events and with a remarkable students, here and abroad. For instance, as votes are being counted from the recent election in Afghanistan show your students what the inside of a polling place in Afghanistan looks like to start your discussion. As decisions are being made regarding U.S. troop levels in the country, read what Afghan students have to say about their lives in Kabul, as you engage the students in your own classroom.
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